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第108章 燃烧的人鱼5疯狂的鲨鱼老师

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Before class, the students memorized all the new words.

The class was over, the students have poured on to the platform, surrounded me, don't let me leave the classroom, shouts let me give them a story, said to listen to my story can be refreshing, or the next lesson will be sleepy will doze off.

“Well, tell the story. What do you want to hear?“

The students answered in chorus,“we want to hear the swan dream of chicken!“

“Well, I'll tell you the swan dream of chicken.“

The children is the most like to listen to fairy tales, see I would like to stay in the classroom to tell stories, one by one they had opened eyes, ears, make the spirit of the extremely, ready to listen to the story.

But at this moment, the shark teacher suddenly push door, loudly say:“there is more than a month will be the final exam, you have time to listen to the story, as do more exercises. Do not dismiss this recess for 10 minutes, 6 recess is 10 minutes an hour, an hour to do a lot of problem. You should put every 10 minutes take full advantage of a break up, do more exercise.“

I said,“this is not science! The brain cannot continue to work and study. Students need to rest, relax and need to work together.“

“We need to rest, relax and bine,“ the students said in chorus.

Shark teacher ruthlessly stare at me, then turned to the student, mark said,“if the final exam is not good, after the holiday, you who don't also want to have a rest. Summer vacation homework to do questions for me!“

“Oh, that's crazy! I, who had always been opposed to the sea tactics, could not help but blurt out,“I object!“

As soon as I spoke, I covered my mouth. Because, I suddenly realized that I should and sharks teacher in private munication, and should not in front of the students directly send out the voice of opposition, so too doesn't give his face. But it was too late.



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