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第108章 燃烧的人鱼5疯狂的鲨鱼老师

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Crazy shark teacher

Three days ago, I taught the students in the classroom of three grade three grade in crystal primary school. In the first half of the class, the students were very serious, and in the second half of the class, the students were stuck, yawning and yawning.

Yesterday, asking to just know, teach math shark teacher gave the students too much homework, most students do at half past eleven to finish, there are two slow students even do it at half past twelve.

Now that the kids are learning too hard, the education department says it's going to be negative for students every year, but the kids' bags are getting heavier and heavier.

I have always insisted on the children relaxed and happy learning, never home homework to the student, lets the student in the classroom to master all the knowledge, solve all the problems in school. I teach Chinese, and my students are excellent in Chinese.

The head of the octopus always gave me the worst class in the school to improve his academic performance. After receiving the worst class, I always managed to make the worst class the best class.

Yawning is because the brain is starved of oxygen.

Learning requires a lot of oxygen. So I asked the students to stand up and teach them to take three deep breaths. The students did.

After three deep breaths, the students' status improved significantly.

In order to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, enthusiastic of pop music, I play to teach the children with music, up and down the left and right sides, swished up and down with head and tail to write new words today. In the dull and boring words, the children are unconsciously absorbed into the best state of study in the music, dancing and laughter.



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