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第108章 燃烧的人鱼5疯狂的鲨鱼老师

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The students clapped their desks and shouted,“no! No!!!!!

“Teacher, how dare you teach the students to e against me? I'm going to eat you all, and then shit.“ The shark's teacher blew up and opened his mouth wide and rushed toward us.

I shouted to the students,“spread out!

The students scattered around, the shark teacher didn't catch the student, turned and jumped on me.

I dodged.

The teacher hit the window, and the glass shattered on the window. The shark was stuck in the broken glass, and the sharp pieces of glass were in his body.

The shark's teacher screamed in pain, and the broken glass on the window was knocked down by his shout and hit him on the head.

Octopus were called to the principal, pointing to the shark teacher, loudly scold a way:“how dare you openly threatening students and teachers in the classroom, and vandalism. Demoralization fish slag, like you don't deserve to do our crystal school teacher, you hurriedly go! From now on never to set foot in crystal school half a step.“

“Ah!“--“the shark's teacher yelled, and suddenly he struggled out of the broken glass, and swallowed the master octopus.

The school's two security guards, the shrimp and crabs, will e and try to catch the shark teacher.

But the shark's teacher opened his mouth wide and swallowed the shrimps and crabs.

I took the students out of the crystal school and swam out to the sea.

The shark's teacher pursued us, and saw us.

I hurried out of the sea with the students, and the shark teacher followed us out of the sea.

The shark teacher, who jumped up in the air, opened his mouth wide and showed his sharp teeth and swallowed us over the sea.

But at that moment, the shark suddenly became a stone carving and fell into the sea and sank.

My students and I escaped.

Who saved us at the critical moment by turning sharks into stone carvings?

I was on the sea, looking up at the sky and looking around for the savior.

But a flock of seagulls swoop down, and into the sea, to catch my students.

I hurriedly shout:“escape!“



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